
Discover the excellence of ALOUKIK THERMOTECH INDUSTRIES, a premier EPS moulds manufacturer established in 1998, based in Faridabad, Haryana, India. Our commitment to quality and innovation has established us as industry prominent leaders. We leverage the latest Computer Numeric Control (CNC) technology and advanced software such as Mastercam to ensure precision and efficiency in our manufacturing processes. This state-of-the-art technology enables us to customize EPS moulds quickly and accurately according to client requirements, ensuring a perfect fit for a variety of applications.

Our raw material of choice is high-quality styrene monomer. This liquid raw material undergoes a meticulous process where it is heated and reacted with a catalyst to form solid polystyrene. The polystyrene is then expanded in the presence of a gas, typically isobutene, to produce expanded polystyrene (EPS). This process ensures that our EPS products are durable, lightweight, and highly effective in insulation and packaging applications.

One of our standout techniques is the scooping method, which allows for the quick and efficient molding of EPS. This involves filling the EPS material with hot liquid or molten material, which then expands to create the mold. Using a specialized scoop, we fill the mold cavity and let the material expand and solidify in place. This technique is particularly effective for manufacturing large, complex shapes quickly, making it an attractive option for various industrial applications.

At ALOUKIK THERMOTECH INDUSTRIES, we offer a range of products, including Customized EPS Moulds, EPS Filling Guns, EPS Shape Molding Machines, and EPS Machine Accessories. Each product is designed with precision and efficiency in mind, ensuring that we meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

Experience the perfect blend of innovation, precision, and quality with ALOUKIK THERMOTECH INDUSTRIES. Our advanced techniques and dedication to excellence make us the ideal choice for all your EPS needs. Join us in exploring the future of EPS technology, where every product is crafted to perfection, and customer satisfaction is our top priority.




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EPS Moulds